* Here and now, those main authors, developers of training lectures, whom are known to the GHA and whom list will be supplemented by new coauthors as they send their respective texts, are named.
GHA GC invites all interested educators and scientists to develop the proposed and similar lectures, the texts of which will be published on the GHA website and in a special GHA textbook.
The GSN signification. The Gandhi School will become his most worthy memory in the daily life of a grateful humanity with his unique example of colossal nonviolent political change without a single shot, without a single drop of blood and without a single victim, unlike tens of millions of victims of empires and tyrants of the last century. In this School, the world heritage of Gandhi’s nonviolence legacy, which, unfortunately, has not yet been understood and used, will never die, will not be forgotten and will receive a new, fresh life for the benefit of all humanity. The Gandhi School will be a breakthrough in global unifying value education and in global public conscience and consciousness. It will nonviolently approve the saving vector of humanity to eradicate wars, militarism and violence together with trend to global peace, harmony, equality, justice and prosperity of all peoples in the 21st century.
GHA for the "Gandhi School of Nonviolence" (GSN).
Previous peace/harmony/nonviolence educational projects since 2007:
The GHA always, since its establishment on February 15, 2005, with its mission and the ultimate goal of global peace, has recognized education as a key nonviolent tool and the way to achieve and ensure it according to its definition by Mandela followed Gandhi as "the most powerful weapon to change the world." Therefore, during 14 years of peacebuilding, the GHA has created 12 collective, solidary educational projects of global peace, harmony and nonviolence (below). Now, in any country, they can be considered as an intellectual premise and educational ground for GSN, which can use any of their ideas, texts, structures, curricula and lectures, as well as invite their many authors/teachers from different countries to cooperate.
1.Academy of Harmony and General Harmonious Education, 2007: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=392
2.Russia-Georgia: Harmonization through Education instead of Militarization, 2008: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=337
3.Family Academy of Harmony, April 2009: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=470
4.Youth Academy Harmony, September 2009: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=395
5.Academy of Harmonious Leadership, May 2010: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=429
6.Educational TV project: "The Future: Harmonious Civilization or What?" 2010: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=447
7.Israel - Palestine: Harmonization through Education instead of Militarization, 2011: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=454
8.School of Peace through Harmonious Education for Israelis and Palestinians, 2011: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=461
9.Department of Harmonious Civilization for any University/College of the World, 2011: http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=465
10.Center (School) of Interfaith Harmonious Education, 2013: www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=561
11.International Academy of Global Noospheral Peace (AGNP). Contest. 2017: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=747
12.International Academy of Global Noospheral Peace (AGNP): Laboratories. 2017: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=750
Bibliography (it will be full later):
1.GHA coauthors (2019, February/March) Mahatma Gandhi:Nonviolence Starting Point. Its Genome and Statistics. Textbook. 300 pages. Delhi, St. Petersburg, USA and etc. (Contents: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=848)
2.GHA 174 coauthors (2016) Global Peace Science: http://peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science-2016.pdf
3.GHA 76 coauthors (2012) The ABC of Harmony for World Peace, Harmonious Civilization and Tetranet Thinking: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478
4.GHA 120 coauthors (2009) Harmonious Civilization: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=379
+ Gandhi's main works, textbooks and the most important researches about Gandhi nonviolence.
Bibliography proposed by Professor Ravi Bhatia, Delhi University:
Books on Gandhi
Rolland,Romain (1924), Mahatma Gandhi, New Delhi, Shrshti Publishers
Parel, Anthony (1997), Hind Swaraj and Other writings, New Delhi, Cambridge University Press
Parel, Anthony (2006), Gandhi’s Philosophy and Quest for Harmony, New York, Cambridge University
Everyone’s Gandhi, Gandhi Peace Foundation, New Delhi
Chatterjee, Margaret (2005), Gandhi and the Challenge of Religious Diversity, Bibliophile South Asia
Parekh, Bhikhu, Gandhi, (1997), New York, Oxford University Press
Gill, S.S., (2001), Gandhi a Sublime Failure, New Delhi, Rupa & Company
Richards,Glyn, (2001), Gandhi’s Philosophy of Education, New York, Oxford University Press
Tidrick Kathryn (2006), Gandhi A Political, Spiritual Life, New York, I B Tauris and Co.
Pradhan, Ram Chandra (2011), Reading Reappraising Gandhi, New Delhi, McMillan Publishers
MahapatraDebidatta , Pathak Y, (Editors) , (2018), Gandhi and the World, New York, Lexington Books
Khwaja G Saiyyadin, Education, Gandhi and Man (2008), Delhi Shipra Publications
Bhatia, Ravi P (2018), A Garland of Ideas Gandhian, Religious, Educational, New Delhi Sanbun Publishers
Books by Gandhi
Hind Swaraj or Indian Home Rule, (1938), Ahmedabad, Navjivan Publishing House
Autobiography – Story of My Experiments with Truth, (1927), Ahmedabad, Navjivan Publishing House
Anasakti Yog (Commentary on GITA in Hindi), (2002, 13th Edition), New Delhi, Sasta Sahitya Mandal
Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi (100 Volumes) published by Publication Division, New Delhi
List of Public Organisations dedicated to life and legacy of Gandhi
Association of Voluntary Agencies for Rural Development (AVARD),New Delhi, DDU Marg, 110002
Gandhi Peace Foundation, New Delhi, DDU Marg, 110002, Kumar Prashant. Director
National Gandhi Museum and Library, Jawaharlal Nehru Marg, New Delhi, 110002
Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts INGCA, Man Singh Rd, New Delhi, Delhi 110011
Gandhi Bhawan, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007, Prof Ramesh Bhardwaj, Director
Gandhi Study Circle, Zakir Hussain College, Delhi 110002, Dr Sanjeev Kumar, Convenor
National Gandhi Museum, New Delhi, Celebrating Gandhi @ 150
Ministry of Commerce, Government of India, New Delhi 110001, celebrating Gandhi’s 150 years,MrAmitabh Dwivedi, Dy. Secretary
Gandhi Smriti (where Gandhi was assassinated), 30 January Marg, New Delhi
Raj Ghat, Memorial dedicated to Mahatma Gandhi, behind Red Fort, Delhi 110006
Sabarmati Ashram on the banks of the River Sabarmati, Ahmedabad, Gujarat
Mahatma Gandhi Institute for Rural Industrialization, Wardha, Maharashtra
Department of Gandhian and Peace Studies, Panjab University, Chandigarh 160014
School of Gandhian Thought and Development Studies, Athirampuzha, Kerala 686560
Gandhi Research Center, North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon, Maharashtra
Gandhi's Nonviolence: Second Life in Educational Module
"Nonviolence School" of the GHA Gandhi Committee (GC).
System design of problem and its solutions in
GHA Tetranet thinking.
Synopsis. Draft.
Leo Semashko
The key task of the GHA Gandhi Committee (GC) in preserving and reviving, at a new scientific level, the greatest legacy of Gandhi's non-violence as the only salvation for mankind is the implementation in India (for starting) of the GHA GC educational module "Nonviolence School"(http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=854). This is an unprecedented scientific / theoretical and practical / peacemaking global task, the solution of which opens for humanity a steady nonviolent path to non-violence through global non-violent harmonious education. It is based on "Spheral socio-humanitarian science" or "Tetranet thinking", presented in many works, but in more detail in two: "The ABC of Harmony" (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=478) and "Global Peace Science" (http://peacefromharmony.org/docs/global-peace-science-2016.pdf).
This innovative science / thinking has been developing for over 40 years, including 14 years in the GHA in his 8 books and 68 peacekeeping projects, including 12 educational ones (http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=472). In focus, it will be presented in the GHA ninth book: “Gandhi Nonviolence: Starting Point. Genetics and Statistics of Spherons”, the publication of which is scheduled for April 2019. This book will not only be an innovative scientific research, primarily a statistical study of Spherons more than 60 countries as deep, genetic societal source of non-violence unknown to humanity so far, but also as an innovative unprecedented textbook/primer for the scientific understanding of the Gandhi’s non-violence in all educational institutions (school, college, university) primarily in India. Its experience will become a model for all other countries of the world. New science / thinking can not exist without new concepts, so they need to learn and memorize, starting with the elementary school.
Global spheral thinking and education in non-violence opens the non-violent transition of humanity from a violent, militaristic, “satanic” by Gandhi civilization that “itself will kill itself”, to a non-violent, harmonious, spheral civilization solely ensuring the survival of humanity and its unlimited future. This was understood and expressed not only by Gandhi, but also by Einstein: “we must demand fundamentally new (non-violent) thinking if humanity if it wants to survive” and some other prominent thinkers of the last century.
Unfortunately, none of them have managed so far to offer a theoretically developed and empirically justified paradigm of such (non-violent, holistic and harmonious) thinking / science. It found a collective development and empirical statistical proof in the GHA in its books and projects, the crown of which will be a new book of the GHA, dedicated to Gandhi's non-violence in the 150 anniversary of his birth. Now this task has been focused on the implementation of the GHA GC educational module “Nonviolence School”, which here becomes the subject of understanding in the Tetranet system design of thinking in its shortest scan from its integrity/wholeness to its main parts/facilities/resources.
A holistic view of this problem / task can be presented in the following conceptual chain and tetranet model of the system spheral design:
1. Gandhi's nonviolence: survival and stability of humanity, alternative to violence
2. Tetranet thinking, GHA spheral science: second life of non-violence, its accessibility to all
3. GHA GK: educational module/program "Nonviolence School"
4. Schools of India: state implementation and promotion of "Nonviolence School" in them
5. Educational business: publication and distribution of textbooks for these schools
6. “Nonviolence School” extension to international level, translation of textbooks, etc.
7. Global nonviolent harmonious education: humanity survival and sustainable evolution in global peace

This model provides a holistic vision of the problem/task and an integrated scientific methodology for its solution and implementation at all stages. This model is the basis for all of our subsequent discussions in the command/team “collective consciousness” (Durkheim) of the GHA GC and first for its leaders.
Dr. Leo Semashko
GHA Founder and Honorary President
GC Educational module and strategy
Dear friends, leaders of GC Subhash, Bhushan, Chandan, Pravat and Ravi, Greetings! (Please, let us call each other by our names without titles – ok?)
I am happy to congratulate the new GC leaders: Bhushan and Chandan with their approval!
Let me suggest for your discussion and implementation the main, educational strategy of the GHA GC, presented in its module "Non-Violence School", which is close to each of us professionally as teachers. You will find a holistic vision of this strategy and the corresponding task in my draft in the attachment. Here I want to list the main particular tasks for its implementation, the first and decisive of which is the recognition of the “GHA GC Proposals to the Government of India”, its PM Mr. Narendra Modi. This task was promised by our new GC Chair Bhushan. Therefore, I will name only other particular tasks.
1. Make joint or individual (with my or Pravat help) statistical research of the spherons of India at any level: school, university, corporation, city, state, country for any year based on official statistics in March / April. Without similar research of the societal source of non-violence, you will not understand the essence and advantages of the innovative tetranet nonviolent thinking, which is expressed in the "Non-Violence School" program and textbook.
2. Form a team (5-10) of academic experts in the Gandhian heritage to develop and publish a program and a textbook of 150-200 pages “Non-violence School” at 30 hours in April-May 2019 for three main levels: elementary school, college and university.
3. Search for funding to pay for the authors of the program / textbook "Non-violence School" in March / April, for example, the "Peace Gandhi Foundation" or / and others, if there will be no state funding on the results of meeting with PM Modi.
4. Translate into Hindi and other Indian main languages the GHA 68th project “Gandhi Committee” and “Gandhi World Petition” as tools of the public Enlightenment and training for the educational program “Non-violence School” during March. Create on the sites of Bhushan and Chandan, first of all, as well as on other Indian sites (Alagan - Museum; Dugar - IASE University; Theodore - Catholics, etc.) additional sections “Gandhi Committee” for publication of the mentioned translations in March/April.
5. To find in March / April an experienced businessman in the publishing business for the vacant post of the GC Vice-Chair to develop a business plan for publishing textbooks “Non-violence School” and its practical organization, starting in June 2019.
6. Determine the publishers for the publication of textbooks for the "Non-violence School" of all levels: May-June.
These are the main partial positions of the GC educational strategy at the initial stage. You could correct and supplement them with your suggestions. This strategy can be modified for the Youth GC (Chandan), but in the early stage, it should be common so that the youth team could later define its specificity and special place in this general strategy. Let us discuss it for 3 days between us 6 first. Then we can offer it for discussion of the Indian and International GCs. Thanks for responses. Best wishes,
Дорогиедрузья, лидерыГКСубхаш, Бхушан, Чандан, ПраватиРави, Приветствия! (Плиз, позвольте нам называть друг друга по нашим именам без титулов).
Я счастлив поздравить новых лидеров ГК: Сдр Бхушан и г-н Чандру с их утверждением!
Позвольте мне предложить для вашего обсуждения и воплощения главную, образовательную стратегию ГСГ ГК, представленную в его модуле «Школа ненасилия», которая близка каждому из нас профессионально как педагогам. Целостное видение этой стратегии и соответствующей задачи вы найдете в моем наброске в прикреплении. Здесь я хочу перечислить основные частные задачи для ее реализации, первой и определяющей из которых является признание «ГСГ ГК Предложений Правительству Индии», его ПМ г-ну Нарендра Моди. Эту задачу обещал решить наш новый Председатель ГК Бушан. Поэтому я назову другие частные задачи.
1.Совместное или индивидуальное (с моей или Прават помощью) статистическое исследование сферонов Индии на любом уровне: школа, университет, корпорация, город, штат, страна за любой год на основе официальной статистики в марте/апреле. Без подобного исследования социетального источника ненасилия вам не понять сущность и преимущества инновационного тетранет мышления ненасилия, которое выражено в программе и учебнике «Ненасилия Школа».
2.Сформировать команду (5-10) ученых-экспертов в Гандианском наследии для разработки и публикации программы и учебника в 150-200 страниц «Ненасилия Школа» в 30 часов в апреле-мае 2019 для трех основных уровней: элементарная школа, колледж и университет.
3.Поиск финансирования для оплаты авторов программы/учебника «Ненасилия Школа» в марте/апреле, например, «Фонд Мира Ганди» или/и других, если не будет его государственного финансирования.
4.Перевести на хинди и другие основные языки ГСГ 68-й проект «Ганди Комитет» и «Всемирную Петицию Ганди» как инструменты Просвещения и подготовки населения к образовательной программе «Ненасилия Школа» в течение марта. Создать на сайтах Бхушана и Чандара, в первую очередь, а также на других индийских сайтах (Алагана, Музей; Дугар, ИАСЕ Университет; Теодор, католики и т.д.) дополнительные секции «Комитет Ганди» для публикации названных переводов в марте/апреле.
5.Найти в марте/апреле опытного бизнесмена в издательском бизнесе на вакантную должность Вице-Председателя ГК для разработки бизнес плана по издательству учебников «Ненасилия Школа» и его практической организации, начиная с июня 2019 г.
6.Определить издательства для публикации учебников для «Ненасилия Школа» всех уровней: май-июнь.
Это основные позиции образовательной стратегии ГК на начальном этапе. Вы могли бы корректировать и дополнять их вашими предложениями. Эта стратегия может быть модифицирована и для Молодежного ГК (Чандан), но на первых этапах она должна быть общей, чтобы впоследствии молодежная команда могла определить свою специфику и особое место в этой общей стратегии. Позвольте нам обсудить ее в течение 3-х дней между нами 5 сначала. Потом мы можем предложить ее для обсуждения Индийского и Международного ГК. Спасибо за отклики. Лучшие пожелания,
Greetings, Happy Holi once again.
In terms of Non-Violence School, over and above my mail of yesterday/20 Mar 2019, addressing the 6-points in Leo’s first mail on the subject of Educational Module and Strategy, I would like to submit the following for consideration & deliberation by us.
I consider that our NVP School (Non-Violence & Peace School)(maybe that’s what we need to call it) besides undertaking education, research , as covered in the 6-points, should ,so as to achieve global reach, relevance and modern connect, and economy, consider the following:-
·Predominantly be an e-School, meaning offer learning in NVP through the Internet and youtube videos etc. Many successful & working global models are Khan’s Academy, BYJU, MOOCS. Our programs may have degrees & diploma certificates also, which are given online, like in MOOCS.
·Conduct workshops and conferences— mainly through webinars and once a quarter through traditional face-to-face method. Examples abound even in India today, where in their political campaigning, many political parties have made extensive use of social media—including whatspp, youtube, facebook and audio-bridges,laser technology. In fact, as an example, just yesterday-20 March 2019 P.M. Modi interacted for more than an hour with 2.5 million Watch-and-ward personnel [ viz. private security guards] across India using audio-bridges and the ubiquitous mobile phones.
·Curriculum design should be based upon relating Gandhian teachings & thoughts to address modern problems of individuals [eg. No greed etc.], families [ eg. mutual respect etc.], work-environment, commerce and business [ eg. Non-exploitation, Trusteeship etc.], environment [ eg. Vegetarianism etc]; international relations [eg. Live-and-Let-live etc.]
·Content to be developed should include:-
oCase-studies— more through Youtube videos & less paper-based
oShort-stories—to drive home simple practical lessons of NVP; again through youtube videos, short-films, cartoon films [eg. How transactions need not be zero-sum game, but win-win games]
oSelf-study CBT(Computer Based Tutorials), with question-answers included within them for self-testing online and accordingly migrate to next level of complexity
·Projects should be undertaken, for various situations, e.g., how in cold climate, with limited vegetation, vegetarianism can be practiced instead of killing animals etc. And thereafter their implementation on the ground should be done by NVPS resource-persons. This amounts to Extension-work as, Gandhian thought is nothing if it’s not implemented and lived in human lives. The idea being that Gandhian NVP principles are not only to decorate books & tomes but must become a living --- and even evolving – framework for modern humanity.
·NVPS research should, besides normal aspects, must focus on:-
oits relevance & congruence with other systems like UN’s MDG(Millenium Development Goals)
ocomparative studies vis-à-vis various religious systems in/outside India, whether Vasihnav, Sanatan, Jainism, Bahai, Christianity, Islam etc.
orelevance to human life in all its dimensions: physical, material, social, emotional, intellectual, spiritual
SUMMARY:- In summary, our NVPS must become a blueprint for living today’s life across all its variants & dimensions, and hence content should focus on that; and it must maximize its outreach with wide thought-frameworks and population, age-groups, and geographies; and increasing reach while decreasing costs, should be achieved through extensive use of modern technology. Many more aspects can be explored with valued inputs from other colleagues on-board and academicians outside the GC. Thanks and regards.
Bhushan 21-03-19
Дорогой Bhushanji,
Большое спасибо за ваши ценные практические предложения по реализации нашей NVPS (я полностью согласен с этим названием, которое учитывает предложение Субхаша жи) в рамках современных технологий. В этой связи, я предлагаю вам написать вашу небольшую статью (2 стр. не более) с примерно таким названием: «Школа Ненасилия и Мира: Приоритетный Проект Ганди Комитета». В этой статье вы могли бы представить все ваши предложения в развернутом виде как дополнение и инфраструктурное оснащение учебной программы этой Школы в 30 часов для всех учебных институтов Индии: школа-колледж-университет). Но этот вопрос требует предварительного исследования. Могли бы вы с коллегами (включая Рави жи) ответить на такие вопросы:
1. Существует ли в Индийских учебных институтах какая-либо учебная программа по наследию Ганди? Если она существует, то мы должны знать ее, изучить и оценить ее, чтобы дополнить нашей программой.
2. В каких отдельных школах, колледжах и университетах Индии введены программы частные учебные программы по наследию Ганди? Необходимо составить список этих учебных институтов и собрать образцы их учебных программ по Ганди.
3. Кто в Министерстве Образования Индии курирует подобные вопросы? Установить рабочие контакты с сотрудниками Министерства Образования Индии (как оно точно называется?), чтобы они помогли нам ответить на первые два вопроса.
4. Существуют ли другие правительственные органы и институты, которые ответственны за внедрение и изучение наследия Ганди в образовательной системе Индии?
На основе реальных ответов на эти вопросы, мы можем создавать нашу учебную программу ШНМ как в ее содержательной, так и в ее инфраструктурной части, прекрасно обрисованной вами. Все это вы могли бы включить в вашу статью в «Ганди книгу». Ваша статья могла бы стать не только научным исследованием, но и практической рекомендацией внедрения и распространения Гандианского образования в Индии. Правительство Индии, ее Фонды могли бы финансировать его, так как это работа на многие и многие годы. Могли бы вы написать подобную статью до 5 апреля, чтобы мы могли включить ее в книгу? Спасибо. Теплые пожелания,
Лео, 21-03-19
Dear Bhushan ji,
Thank you very much for your valuable practical suggestions for the implementation of our NVPS (I fully agree with this name, which takes into account the proposal of Subhash ji) in the framework of modern technologies. In this regard, I invite you to write your short article (2 pages) with something like this: "School of Non-Violence and Peace: Gandhi's Committee Priority Project". In this article, you could present all your proposals in expanded form as a supplement and infrastructure equipment of this School Program in 30 academic hours for all educational institutions of India: school-college-university. But this question requires a preliminary study. Could you and colleagues (including Ravi ji) answer such questions:
1. Is there any program in the Indian educational institutes according to the Gandhi heritage? If it exists, then we must know it, study it and evaluate it in order to supplement by our program.
2. In which separate schools, colleges, and universities in India have private curriculum programs been introduced for the Gandhi heritage? It is necessary to compile a list of these institutions and collect samples of their training programs on Gandhi.
3. Who in the Ministry of Education of India oversees such questions? Establish working contacts with employees of the Ministry of Education of India (as it is precisely called?) So that they help us to answer the first two questions.
4. Are there other government bodies and institutions that are responsible for introducing and studying the Gandhi heritage into the educational system of India?
On the basis of real answers to these questions, we can create our program for NVPS both in its substantive and in its infrastructural parts, beautifully outlined by you. All this you could include in your article for the "Gandhi book." Your article could be not only a scientific research, but also a practical recommendation for the introduction and dissemination of Gandhian education in India. The Government of India, its Funds could finance it, as this has been a job for many, many years. Could you write a similar article before April 5 so that we can include it in the book? Thank.
From my past questions let me repeat one: Could you open during a week on one of your two websites a special section: “Gandhi Committee” to publish “Gandhi Petition”, “Gandhi Project”, NVPS and other GC documents on it? That would be great for you as GC Chair! Warm wishes,
Leo, 21-03-19
Respected Chairs and all the members,
Happy Holi to all! This is a spiritual, colourful and lovable festival in India. In this auspicious occasion We have had two nice guidelines to implement. 1. The scientific flow chart of Leoji, and 2. The reply mail of Bhusanji. Hope, the fusion of these two will provide us strength and direction to move safely. one is philosophical approach and other is execution approach (educational). Both are very essential to lead the project. Hope shortly new vistas of the project will open. Regards
Pravat Dhal, 20-03-19
Dear co-leaders, Greetings.
May I apprise you that I have tried to reach out to PM Modi’s office through my sources and it’s emerged that the current leadership’s plate is overfull with agenda of election campaigning & extensive country-wide tours for election rallies & parleys – with working hours of 18-hours-a-day -- in view of the Indian Parliamentary elections due to be held across the country starting 11 April 2019 until end-May 2019. As such, now would just not be an opportune time to seek out the attention of Hon. PM or to deliver to the Govt. our intended proposals.
However, in our first GC meeting that we are planning in 1st week of April 2019, the agenda of Education-related agenda would be actively taken up. Kind regards, Bhushan, 20-03-19
With respect to the trailing mail from Dr Leo dated 16 mar 2019 on the subject; and thereafter mails from Pravat ji, Chandan ji and Chandra ji until today, along with Leo's mail of today/20 mar 19, with very illustrative & comprehensive 7-point tetranet model of the Non-Violence School.
[Note: "ji" is Indian suffix of respect; and may I propose that as far as possible, we may all use this suffix to Indian names; as it's time that Indian grounding of this 6-point noble educational initiative of Non-Violence School -- having international ramifications-- can be kept in the forefront by use of suffix "ji" for Indian names in all our communication. In passing, at least for the benefit of our friend Leo, I may mention that this suffix is gender neutral and is also used with the names of ladies--as prefix Shri (=for males) and Shrimati (=for females) is exact counterpart of Mr. and Mrs.]
I give my views ad-seriatum as below in bold italics against the 6-points in original mail dt 16 Mar 19 of Dr Leo.
1. Make joint or individual (with my or Pravat help) statistical research of the spherons of India at any level: school, university, corporation, city, state, country for any year based on official statistics in March / April. Without similar research of the societal source of non-violence, you will not understand the essence and advantages of the innovative tetranet nonviolent thinking, which is expressed in the "Non-Violence School" program and textbook.[This activity is best led by Pravat ji, as he has already given his valued feasible thoughts in his above-referred mail. Perhaps at the next GC meeting, we need to arrive at the timelines for this task.]
2. Form a team (5-10) of academic experts in the Gandhian heritage to develop and publish a program and a textbook of 150-200 pages “Non-violence School” at 30 hours in April-May 2019 for three main levels: elementary school, college and university. [Identification of the lead member(s) from amongst us for this activity -- who will work out timelines of steps in this activity, viz. identifying experts to write books for different levels, and co-ordinate/lead this activity --- will be decided at the next GC meeting. Also through brainstorming during the next GC meeting, we will try and arrive at a possible database of potential authors from amongst the Pan-India academic connections that we all have respectively; as well funding source as at point-3 below]
3. Search for funding to pay for the authors of the program / textbook "Non-violence School" in March / April, for example, the "Peace Gandhi Foundation" or / and others, if there will be no state funding on the results of meeting with PM Modi. [see response in point #2 above]
4. Translate into Hindi and other Indian main languages the GHA 68th project “Gandhi Committee” and “Gandhi World Petition” as tools of the public Enlightenment and training for the educational program “Non-violence School” during March. Create on the sites of Bhushan and Chandan, first of all, as well as on other Indian sites (Alagan - Museum; Dugar - IASE University; Theodore - Catholics, etc.) additional sections “Gandhi Committee” for publication of the mentioned translations in March/April. [This translation-into-Hindi and other Indian languages requires similar treatment as in the response at point 2 above, as it involves identifying good writers including their remuneration]
5. To find in March / April an experienced businessman in the publishing business for the vacant post of the GC Vice-Chair to develop a business plan for publishing textbooks “Non-violence School” and its practical organization, starting in June 2019.
6. Determine the publishers for the publication of textbooks for the "Non-violence School" of all levels: May-June. [Identifying publishers may not be very difficult since- as also rightly pointed out by Pravat ji in his mail -- Delhi has no dearth of publishers of varying budgets. In this connection Dugar ji of IASE can play a sterling role, as I know from personal knowledge that IASE University has brought out a series of very good text-books and reference books for use by their students, and hence they know all the elements -- who, where, when, costs ---- of this activity very well.]
I close this mail with these thoughts for kind suggestions by all addressed here. Thanks and regards.
Bhushan 20-03-19
DrLeo Semashko & Global Peace Leaders, Greetings from India:
Regarding GC Educational module and strategy, I am suggesting the name of “Non-violence School as “Global Peace - Non-violence School (GPNVS)” for organizing the programs & activities on peace, social harmony & peace building skills for creating peaceful sustainable world.
I am submitting the brief paper on 5th Gandhian Spirit Revolution: From Sarvodaya to Spheron’s for Harmonious Civilization Devoted to: 150th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi birth:
Gandhi World Year 2019"for your kind information.
Please share your views on GC Educational module and strategy for promoting peace & harmony through Education, Nonviolence & Peace building skills. Best Wishes for all .
Dr. Subhash Chandra, 20-03-19
Dear All Respected Peace Aspirants,
Thanks to Leo Sir for his nice suggestions. I/Leo Sir can help in statistics if data will be available. We can also write the content some extent in modular format. We may take assistance of others also. Regarding publication, Delhi is hub of publications. We have to select a publisher in Delhi, who is associated with GHA. For this work more time will be needed. I remember one "Sanuban Publisher", who was associated with GHA. He may be contacted. It is just a discussion.
Regards, Pravat Dhal, 18-03-19
In process