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Peace from Harmony


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Ammar Banni (with co-authors) (Algeria)
Poems: For the children of our Planet. Oh my child! (En) 2007

Malika Banni (with co-authors) (Algeria)
Poems: For the children of our Planet. Oh my child! (En) 2007

Dmitry Baranov (Russia)
The Earth burns in itself holes. Poetry (Ru) 1987
Influence of advertising. Poetry (Ru) 2001

Araken Barbosa (Brazil)
Harmonious Peace. Acrostic (En)
Response to the Open Letter from Leo Semashko to President of Russia Mr. Putin from September 1, 2005 in connection with the tragical Beslan anniversary. Letter (En, Ru) September 6, 2005
Response to the Open Letter from Leo Semashko to President of Russia Mr. Putin from September 1, 2005 in connection with the tragical Beslan anniversary. Letter (En, Ru) September 11, 2005

Araken Barbosa (with co-authors) (Brazil)
Double marginality of children, their dignity, humiliation and priority. Discussion (En, Ru) September, 2005

Jean de Dieu Basabose (Rwanda)
Bio. Photo (En, Ru) 2008

Jean de Dieu Basabose (with co-authors) (Rwanda)
World Harmony/Peace Academy and General Harmonious Education Project (En, Ru) 2008
Shalom: Educating for Peace Project (En) 2008

Gershon Baskin (Israel)
'Ministries of peace' in Israel and in Palestine and in every country (En) 2007

Anna Basova, 12 years (Russia)
Rescue on Debryh. Drawing (En, Ru) 2002

Diana Basterfield (with co-authors) (England)
The second people’s summit for Ministries and Departments of peace. Announcement (En, Ru) June 28, 2006

Harold Becker (USA)
Love and Harmony. Abstract (En, Es, Ru, Sp, Fr, Gr, Ge, Po, Ja, Ch, Ar, He) 2006
About unconditional love. Inspiring People to Love Unconditionally (En) 2007
About the fourth anniversary of Love Day on May 1, 2007 (En) May 2007
To: Leo Semashko about cooperation. Letters (En, Ru) 2006
The Love Foundation: the Fourth Annual Art, Essay and Poetry Invitational in honor of Global Love Day May 1, 2007 Invitation (En, Ru) 2006

Harold Becker (with co-authors) (USA)
Global Love Day 2006. Epistle (En, Ru) 2006
Discussion about Competition “HERACL” Conclusions from discussion (En, Ru) October 20, 2006

Pope Benedict XVI (Italy)
Вiscover life meaning to the great cosmic harmony (En, Ru) 2007

Peter Bentley (Australia)
Letter about the Global Harmony Association (En) 2008

Vladimir Bizianov (Russia)
Harmonisation of older persons life in an information civilization Project (Ru) 2008

Mark Bochkis (with co-authors) (USA)
Substitute family as alternative for the boarding schools (Ru) 2007

Oleg Bodnar (Ukraine)
Oleg Bodnar: doctrine about harmony - in education (Ru) 2008
First in the world a Festival of Harmony. Lviv, 2008 Announcement (Ru) 2008

Kerry Bowden (Australia)
The Promise Club. The Wailing: Appeal to Women’s Solidarity. Article (En, Ru) January 24, 2006
Support of the Global movement "Making Children a Priority in the World". Epistle (En, Ru) January 26, 2006

James Brandon (USA)
To fight Al Qaeda, US troops in Africa build schools instead. Article (En, Ru) January 9, 2006

Vladimir Bransky (with co-authors) (Russia)
Globalization and Synergetic Historicism. Book (Ru) 2004

Patrick Buchanan (USA)
Does Putin Not Have a Point? (En) May 2007

Sergey Busov (Russia)
About Leo Semashko's book "Tetrasociology: From a sociological imagination through dialog to universal values and harmony". Review (Ru) 2003

Sergey Busov (with co-authors) (Russia)
World Harmony/Peace Academy and General Harmonious Education Project (En, Ru) 2008

Anne Butkevich (Russia)
This surprising language. Article (Ru) 2005

Anne Butkevich (with co-authors) (Russia)
Tetrasociology: From a sociological imagination through dialog to universal values and harmony. Book (En, Ru, Es) 2003

Joseph Caruana (-)
China, Beijing. Olympiad 2008 Slide-film (En, Ru) 2007

Tholana Ashok Chakravarthy (India)
Congratulations with Global Harmony Day. Letter (En, Ru) June, 2006
World Without Frontiers (En) 2008
Gateway to friendship and non-violence. Poem: Bond of Love. Bio (En, Ru) May 2007
Identities; We are here……; Discover Wisdom; Give “PEACE” a chance; Seeking Love. Poems (En) June 19, 2006
Mahatma Gandhi. Poems: Where there is peace. Is there the spirit. Come out. Peace is our right – unity is our might. Strength in unity. The seeds of peace. A space for hope (En) 2007
Poems: A Justification. Love abd Concern (En, Ru) 2007
A Ragpicker’s Plight Poetry (En, Ru) 2008
Additions in the Harmonious Era Calendar (En, Ru) May 2007
A Ray of Hope. The Ripe Time. There Cannot Be. A Ragpicker’s Plight. Oath on Humanity Poetry (En, Ru, Sp) 2008

Tholana Ashok Chakravarthy (with co-authors) (India)
Ammar Banni: Honorary Poet of Peace from Harmony for 2008 (En) 2008
Global Harmony Association: Aid for disabled children's organization 'Beautiful Mind' at Kolkata, India (En, Ru) 2008
Rules and requirements of Selection Committee for a Hymn to Harmony (En, Ru) 2008
Harmonious Era Calendar. Telugu translation (Telugu) 2007
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© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005