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Authors: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | All
Eugenie Habarin (with co-authors) (Russia) Transition of Russia from second to the first model of economy (on an example of the “Novorossiysk” battleship destruction). Article (Ru) 2006
Tatiana Habarina (with co-authors) (Russia) Transition of Russia from second to the first model of economy (on an example of the “Novorossiysk” battleship destruction). Article (Ru) 2006
Heli Habyarimana (Rwanda) Bio. Photo (En, Ru) 2008
Jacqueline Haessly (USA) V IFLAC Pave Peace International Conference. Summary (En, Ru, Sp) August, 2005
Jacqueline Haessly (with co-authors) (USA) Double marginality of children, their dignity, humiliation and priority. Discussion (En, Ru) September, 2005
Mussie Hailu (Ethiopia) Peace Message sent on behalf of all Africans at home and abroad (En) 2007
Jan Hakemulder (Holland) The Intercultural Open University for Harmony (En, Ru) 2007
John Hallam (with co-authors) (Australia) Lowering operating status of nuclear weapons (En) 2007
Ian Harris (USA) Peace Education: Definition, Approaches, and Future Directions (En) 2008
Meg Hartfield (New Zealand) A Culture of Peace Poetry (En) 2008
Tarek Heggy (Egypt) Our Fascist Intimidation. Article (En, Ru) May, 2005 The Intelligent American's Guide to Islamism. Article (En) June 3, 2005 The Arab Mind. Article (En, Ru) April 1, 2005 Tolerant and Intolerant Islam (Or "Peaceful Islam" versus "Militant Islam"). Article (En, Ru) May, 2005
Carol Hiltner (USA) Meeting of Altai natives with American Indian in the USA (Ru) 2008 Altai-Mir University for harmony (En, Ru) May 2007
Michael Holmboe (Norway) Children. The Mother of Peace Prize (translation). About St-Petersburg and Russia. Children labor (En) 2007 The Exquisite Fragrance of "Peace Flower" – A most original and exciting book for all ages By Ada Aharoni. Review (En) Poem for Maria Cristina Azcona. Buddhistic Poem (En) May 2007 International Save the Children Alliance (En, Ru) 2007 China: harmony of society (En) 2008 Street Children & Child Labor & Child Soldiers (En) 2008 Children labor (En) 2007 The Other Side of the Medal. Poem Poetry (En) November 11, 2006 What is Harmony? Is it possible to bring the world into Harmony? (En) May 2007 Biography (En) 2007
Michael Holmboe (with co-authors) (Norway) Discussion about peace and harmony (En, Ru) 2007
Pan Hongyan (with co-authors) (China) NGOs and Civil Society under the Context of Harmonious Community Construction: Practice and Review of China (En, Ru) May 2007
Bernd Hornung (with co-authors) (Germany) Tetrasociology: From a sociological imagination through dialog to universal values and harmony. Book (En, Ru, Es) 2003
John Howard (Australia) To: Hilarie Roseman - answer of the Prime Minister of Australia. Letter (En, Ru) August 30, 2005
Hoda Hussein (Egypt) New dates in the Harmonious Era Calendar (En, Ru) 2008
© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005