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Peace from Harmony


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Martha DeWitt (USA)
Power Sharing. Abstract (En, Ru, Sp, Fr) 2006
Interaction Analysis within the framework of the Web Approach: Understanding the Origins of Terrorism. Document (En) August 16, 2004
Review of Leo Semashko’s three books on Tetrasociology in the Journal: International Sociology. Reviews of books. Volume 22, # 2, March 2007 (En, Ru)

Martha DeWitt (with co-authors) (USA)
Double marginality of children, their dignity, humiliation and priority. Discussion (En, Ru) September, 2005
Tetrasociology: From a sociological imagination through dialog to universal values and harmony. Book (En, Ru, Es) 2003
Responses on the Magna Carta of Harmony (En, Ru) May 2007
Discussion: "From" or "For" Discussion (En) December 2006 - January 2007

Lia Diskin (Brazil)
Approval of the Federal Parliament of Peace Culture Council in Brazil Announcement (En) December 9, 2006
The Parliamentary Council for a Culture of Peace. Document (En, Po) December 17, 2002
Associação Palas Athena Project (En) 2004
II Brazilian Congress of Health, Culture of Peace and Non Violence. Article (En, Ru) May, 2005

Marina Dmitrenko (Russia)
Yuri Lukshin - Paints of Goods. Article (Ru)

Anna Dodds (Canada)
Living in Harmony with the Seasons Article (En) 2006

Anastasia Dolgosheva (Russia)
Want peace - prepare for peace. Interview with Leo Semashko in the newspaper "St.-Petersburg Gazette" Interview (Ru) October 12, 2006
Interview with Abram Jusfin: About tasty and healthy... music. (Ru) January 21, 2006
Interview with Leo Semashko: A Vote Right from the Cradle? (Ru) January 12, 2006

Yuri Dorofeev (Russia)
Sociology plus tetra: a new view o­n the world Article (Ru) October, 2002
Public hearings about observance of the children rights in the specialized children's establishments of St.-Petersburg (Ru) 2007
Green stars on a background of a white grand piano. To Ludwig Zamengoff anniversary (Ru) 2008

Germain Dufour (France)
Additions in the Harmonious Era Calendar (En, Ru) May 2007

Sergey Egorov (Russia)
Authoritative-Paternal Damnation. Article (Ru)
15 years of parliamentarism in Saint Petersburg. Article (Ru)

Mona El-Dine (France)
To: Leo Semashko about project (Global movement "Making Children a Priority in the World"). Letter (En, Ru) January 23, 2006
Message of a rebel woman. Poetry (En, Ru)
Congratulations with Global Harmony Day. Letter (En, Ru) June, 2006
Letters about joining to Harmonious Era Calendar. Letters (En, Ru) June, 2006

Eugenia Ermolaeva (with co-authors) (Russia)
Substitute family as alternative for the boarding schools (Ru) 2007

Jean Faullimmel (France)
How Can Sustainable Development Contribute to World Peace and Harmony between Nations? (En) 2007

Jean Faullimmel (with co-authors) (France)
More than 65 photos about the Forum and Beijing (En, Ru) 2007

Walter Feldman (Brazil)
Culture of Peace. Decision of the State Assembly of São Paulo. Document (En, Ru, Es) January, 2003

John Forje (Cameroon)
John W. Forje: African peace scientist, educator and peacemaker Bio (En, Ru) 2008

John Forje (with co-authors) (Cameroon)
World Harmony/Peace Academy and General Harmonious Education Project (En, Ru) 2008

Pierre Fosseprez (France)
Caravan for Peace in Harmony at Gaza. Message (En) September 11, 2006

Victor Gaidai (Russia)
The social - ecological International Project " OPENING of the WORLD ". Article (Ru)

Tamara Galushko (Russia)
Intercultural Communications and Dialogue of Cultures in the Age of Globalization. Article (Ru)

Jagdish Gandhi (India)
City Montessori School of peace and harmony (En, Ru) 2008

Lama Gangchen (Italy)
Message to the First Cross Straight High Level Forum on Chinese Traditional Culture, Beijing, China, 5-9 July 2007 (En) 2007

Ruby Gannon, 6 years (Australia)
Peace is of a man and a woman rowing the canoe together. Drawing (En, Ru)

Stephen Gill (Canada)
Peace and Freedom for Indian Women in the Dijutal Era (En) May 2007
To Love Poem (En) May 2007
To: Leo Semashko about project (Global movement "Making Children a Priority in the World"). Letter (En, Ru) January 15, 2006
Harmony and Peace. Poetry (En)
These children. Poetry (En)
Evening of Harmony. Poetry (En)
These Children Poetry (En) 2008

Ananta Giri (India)
Spiritual Cultivation For a Secular Society. Abstract (En, Ru)
Reflections and Mobilizations: Dialogues with Movements and Voluntary Organizations. Book Fragments (En)

Brendan Gleeson (Australia)
The Future of Australia’s Cities: Making Space for Hope. Lecture (En, Ru)

Julio Godoy (France)
France: Cancer Fears as Fallout of Atom Tests Article (En) 13 October 2006

Mitchell Gold (Canada)
If I were the U.S. President – What Would I Do? Article (En, Ru) June 12, 2006
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© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005