Authors: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | All
Michael Holmboe (Norway) Poem for Maria Cristina Azcona. Buddhistic Poem (En) May 2007 Street Children & Child Labor & Child Soldiers (En) 2008 The Other Side of the Medal. Poem Poetry (En) November 11, 2006 Biography (En) 2007 China: harmony of society (En) 2008
Michael Holmboe (with co-authors) (Norway) Discussion about peace and harmony (En, Ru) 2007
Pan Hongyan (with co-authors) (China) NGOs and Civil Society under the Context of Harmonious Community Construction: Practice and Review of China (En, Ru) May 2007
Bernd Hornung (with co-authors) (Germany) Tetrasociology: From a sociological imagination through dialog to universal values and harmony. Book (En, Ru, Es) 2003
John Howard (Australia) To: Hilarie Roseman - answer of the Prime Minister of Australia. Letter (En, Ru) August 30, 2005
Hoda Hussein (Egypt) New dates in the Harmonious Era Calendar (En, Ru) 2008
Takis Ioannides (Greece) Hymn to Peace. Fly with the vision of PEACE Poetry (En) 2008 Interview given to writer Takis Ioannides for the Greek newspaper “EPIKAIRA” of New Smyrna, Athens, which is published by February 16, 2008. Greek translation (En, Ru, Gr, Ro, Fr, Ar) 2008 To: Leo Semashko about the priority to children. Letter (En, Ru) February 18, 2006 Translation from English into Greeks the Chakravarthy’s Poem ‘A Ray of Hope’ (Gr) 2008 Children’s priority in the harmonious family. Photo (En, Ru) 2006 The Prayer. Photo (En, Ru, Po, Fr, Sp) 2006 We Never Forget! Poetry (En) 2009 The story with my father. History (En, Ru) March 8, 2006 To: Leo Semashko about his two poems. Letter (En, Ru) February 17, 2006 Children on the Crucifix of War. Poetry (http://www.peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=35) 2006 A Strong Children Experience. History (En, Ru) Summer, 2004 The ninth monad of Pythagorians is the law of Harmony (En) 2007 To: Leo Semashko about the priority to children. Letter (En, Ru) January 16, 2006 Philosophy, soul harmony and children. Abstract (En, Ru, Sp, Fr, Gr) 2006 The Child’s Proposal. Poetry (En, Ru) 2006
Takis Ioannides (with co-authors) (Greece) Discussion about Competition “HERACL” Conclusions from discussion (En, Ru) October 20, 2006 Discussion about the children’s priority. Letters (En, Ru) February 14, 2006
Tatomir Ion-Marius (Romania) The Global Harmony Association Statutes. Romanian translation Document (En, Ru, Sp, Ro) 2008 Interview for Radio TRANSILVANIA: Toward a Culture of Peace and Harmony (En) 2007 May Peace Prevail on Earth Poems (En, Ru) May 2007 Harmonious Era Calendar Translation on Romanian (En, Es, Ru, Sp, Fr, Gr, Ge, Po, Ja, Ch, Ar, He, Ukr, Rom, Urdu, Hindi) 2007 Interview given to writer Takis Ioannides for the Greek newspaper “EPIKAIRA” of New Smyrna, Athens, which is published by February 16, 2008. Romanian translation (En, Ru, Gr, Ro, Fr, Ar) 2008
Muhammad Iqbal (Pakistan) Bio (En) December 2006 Don't Kill the Life; Smoking; Juctice; Peace; Directions; Food and Drink. Poems (En) June 24, 2006 The Globe in Nuclear Claws (En) 2007 Harmonious Era Calendar Translation on Urdu (En, Es, Ru, Sp, Fr, Gr, Ge, Po, Ja, Ch, Ar, He, Ukr, Rom, Urdu, Hindi) 2007 20 poems about peace, harmony and children (En) December 2006
Muhammad Iqbal (with co-authors) (Pakistan) Additions in the Harmonious Era Calendar Additions (En, Ru) September 2006 - February 2007
Valerie Isaev (with co-authors) (Russia) Tetrasociology: From a sociological imagination through dialog to universal values and harmony. Book (En, Ru, Es) 2003
Toni Iseman (USA) Earth Trustee City Proclamation from LAGUNA Beach, Calif (En) May 2007
Ivan Ivanov (Russia) Slide-film "Mother Teresa: about Peace, Children and Love" Translation on Russian (En, Ru) 2006 Ideas of the eternal peace in cultures of the past and modernity. Essay (Ru) 2005
Vyacheslav Ivanov (Russia) Magna Carta of Harmony. Translation on Esperanto Document (En, Ru, Es, Sp, Fr, Ch, Ar, Ro, Te) May 2007
Dmitry Ivashintsov (Russia) Work of the "Russian World" Association with children. Article (Ru) When there will come an instant of separation. Poetry (Ru) 2004 Snowstorm has swept up... Poetry (Ru) 1981 Inevitability of Russian World. Article (En, Ru) Kruzhevnica. Poetry (Ru) February 15, 1986
Jan Jacobsen (Norway) GLOBAL-DISARM-CALL (En, Ru) May 2007 Additions in the Harmonious Era Calendar (En, Ru) May 2007
© Website author: Leo Semashko, 2005; © designed by Roman Snitko, 2005